Week 8, and end to one journey…

Monica Suarez
2 min readNov 9, 2020

…and the beginning of the next. Hello tech world, here I come.

Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week. | How to use props to get a user’s name to show after one logs in with props.history.push().

Explain the use cases for, and differences between — bind, apply and call. | Call invokes the function and allows one to pass in arguments one by one. Apply invokes the function and allows one to pass in arguments as an array. Bind returns a new function, allowing one to pass in a this array and any number of arguments.

Which (if there is) node library method could you use to solve the algorithm problem you solved in class tonight? | react-google-maps/api

How do you handle code organization? | Using prettier in VS code.

How do you handle dependency management? | Mapping.

What is React.cloneElement? And the difference with this.props.children? | The React. cloneElement() function returns a copy of a specified element. Additional props and children can be passed on in the function. this.props.children is a special prop that is passed to components automatically.

Walk us through the process of creation of an application or website you’ve built. | First, I come up with a plan on what I need to get the basics done. Then, I wireframe what I will be building and make a rudimentary code plan. One that is finished I create a basic front end, with all the files I need to implement the client side. Next, I make the back end. After hooking them up together, I resolve any errors or issues, as well as styling the front end.

What are the differences between functional and imperative programming styles, and explain your preference, if any. | With an imperative approach, a developer writes code that specifies the steps that the computer must take to accomplish the goal. This is sometimes referred to as algorithmic programming. In contrast, a functional approach involves composing the problem as a set of functions to be executed. I typically prefer the former as we spent the majority of time learning OOP.

