Week 2 — learning Express
This week we focused on how to use express, including how to separate some of our code into routes and controllers.
What do you find challenging about coding? | There is so much to learn and it is very foreign to me. Functional programming is also very challenging.
Talk about a project that disappointed you. What would you change? | We had to create a tic-tac-toe board that worked both on node and in the GUI. For some reason, even after there was a winner, the game would keep on going. I was guided into a few possible solutions but I couldn’t get any of them to work. It still drives me nuts. I would probably recode the whole thing from scratch again and fix the issue!
List three key things to consider when coding with SEO in mind. |
- Text component: Text and META-data (content)
- Link component: Links and navigation
- Popularity component: Link Popularity and Click-Through Popularity
List five or more ways you could optimize a website to be as efficient and scalable as possible. |
- Code the website’s mobile format first
- Reduce image size
- Use a CDN (content delivery network)
- Cache frequently
- Reduce the number of HTTP requests
- Reduce the number of plugins
- Minimize the number of JS and CSS files
- Detect 404 errors
- Reduce the number of redirects
- Code Minification